Thursday, January 29, 2009

What a girl can do.....

for a teenaged boy.

bring happiness
create laughter


Josie said...

haha. Hollys hair is really dark.

Rachel said...

her hair looks extra shiney!! it also looks darker

Grandma and Grandpa Clark said...

It looks like you had a wonderful birthday! That makes us happy. I hope you got our card, we haven't heard. We love you and we have fun memories of watching you grow up Rachel;especially since we were lucky to have you here those first months. How fun it was! Maybe I will try to down load my favorites and post on the blog or facebook. hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo and thanks for posting the birthday party Jill. Now it seems that Josie has had one also. Hmmmmmm I know it takes time and I know you are busy all the time. Your blog looks great! I wish you were near so you could help me learn your tricks. I love you Jillie